Marketing is vital for a successful evangelistic series. And to be most effective, you need to have a multi-touch approach. This allows your campaign to be more than one-dimensional in order to reach a greater number of people.
For example, instead of just using direct mail for you campaign, you could use direct mail and yard signs. Direct mail is the only method that guarantees someone in every home sees your message. Yard and road signs dispersed around your area will magnify the impact of the direct mail piece, as people see your graphic and title repeatedly. As a result of this multi-touch approach, you can expect more attendees and reach a wider range of people with the same budget.
Using Yard Signs Effectively
The Jewish-Adventist evangelistic series (see From the Field story) used yard signs to great effect. According to research of guest responses, widespread use of yard signs resulted in a 30% increase in attendance.
Yard signs are a simple and inexpensive means to raise awareness of your event. Place them by intersections, where traffic slows, and as people drive and walk by they will become increasingly aware of the event. Consider the same locations as where political campaign signs are placed, because these positions are often well-researched. Put your yard signs out two to three weeks prior to opening night, to ensure repeated exposure.
For maximum effectiveness, you want your yard and road signs to be visually similar to the direct mail handbill. You want the repeated road-side exposure to help them recognize the mail piece when it arrives, encouraging them to open the brochure and learn more.