Evangelistic meetings take a lot of work, and while SermonView will handle the marketing, there are things we can’t do for you. The biggest? Preaching the series, of course.
Because social interaction and community integration is one of the core purposes of a reaping series, we believe the most effective person to preach the series is the pastor. But writing 20 or 25 new sermons on top of all your other responsibilities can be a big ask.
Evangelistic sermons are different from the preaching you do at your weekly worship service. For Seventh-day Adventists, they need to be carefully crafted to manage cognitive dissonance in your guests and encourage change in belief and behavior. The content is intentionally different from weekly preaching because the purpose is different.
Every day we talk with pastors and church leaders from all over the country, and we regularly hear something to the effect of, “I really want to do a series, but I don’t have time to write the sermons.” Or, “I can’t seem to find evangelistic series content that feels right for my church.”
Fortunately, others have already done the work. Here is a list of full-message evangelistic series written by professional evangelists, with fully-designed matching slides, ready for you to customize to your specific ministry environment. SermonView only provides marketing resources (we do not provide preaching content.) We’ll update this list regularly as we learn about new content, and we’ll include the provider’s contact information and links so you can purchase the content directly from each provider.
And of course, once you land on the series that’s right for you, please call us. We’d love to help carry the load of your marketing efforts for you, so you can focus on preparing for your event and connecting with your guests.
1. Discovering Revelation (Voice of Prophecy)

Discovering Revelation uses the fascinating lens of Bible prophecy to teach the basic truths of Scripture and Christ’s salvation for sinners. By discovering Revelation, your audience will discover Jesus!
By the series’ end, they will clearly understand each of the 13 baptismal vows that cover the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
This powerful series has been refined with a modern template and brand-new, jaw-dropping graphics that are sure to press the truths of Scripture deep into the minds of your audience.
Register to host this September and you’ll receive access to all of the resources you’ll need to present the series.
Price: Discovery Centers with Evangelism Bundle: $299.95
Not Yet a Discovery Center? Register for $699.00
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: https://www1.discoverycenters.com/dcevt-login-dr-2021/?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww1.discoverycenters.com%2F%3Fpagename%3Ddcevt-sub-dr-2021%26evt_slug%3Ddr-2021&reauth=1
2. The Mysteries Revealed Series (It Is Written)

Revelation Today – The Mysteries Revealed is a comprehensive study series that focuses on the prophecies of the Bible—especially the book of Revelation.
Based entirely on the Word of God, Revelation Today lets the Bible speak for itself, and takes series participants on an exciting journey through the major themes of the Bible.
This series is available for FREE from It Is Written.
Each presentation is available to download in Keynote, PowerPoint, and PDF formats.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: https://seriesbuilder.com/downloads
3. New Beginnings (ASI)
This powerful collection of evangelism resources is designed to empower laypeople to share their faith. It includes the complete New Beginnings series, with presentations and sermon notes! These resources are available in multiple languages.
This series is available for FREE from ASI Ministries.
Each presentation is available to download from Google Drive and presenter notes are in Word.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: https://asiministries.org/newbeginnings/
4. Revelation: Hope, Meaning, Purpose Presenter’s Guide & Resources on USB (AdventSource)

Prepared under the guidance of the South Pacific Division Biblical Research Committee, this series goes through the book of Revelation chapter by chapter, explaining the concepts and prompting readers to consider questions. This set of presenter resources is an integral part of the Revelation—Hope, Meaning, Purpose package.
It contains much of the material that will be used when the series is run as a seminar.
Price: $24.95
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: https://www.adventsource.org/store/pastors-resources/bible-studies/adults/revelation-hope-meaning-purpose-presenters-guide-and-resources-on-usb-37014
5. Revelation 101: Finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation-Presenter’s Manual USB (AdventSource)

Here’s a fresh look at the Book of Revelation—with a focus on Jesus. The first two sessions contain the guidelines for presenting the Book of Revelation so the Bible becomes its own interpreter (an exegetical approach). The remaining eight sessions present each of the seven segments of Revelation, with two sessions devoted to the focal point at the center of the book.
A Preach-It series that comes with everything a presenter needs including a word-for-word presentation of each session, PowerPoint slides, and Participant’s Guides for each of the 10 sessions.
While this is not a full-message series, it could be used as the nucleus for creating your own series.
Price: $149.95
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: https://www.adventsource.org/store/youth-ministries/bible-studies/revelation-101-finding-jesus-in-the-book-of-revelation-presenters-manual-usb-37313
6. Forecasting Hope: Prophecies of the Second Coming (Coming Soon to AdventSource)

Forecasting Hope is an evangelistic series that presents Bible prophecy from a Christ-centered, positive, and relational perspective. It is an easy, ready-to-use evangelistic package for pastors, lay people, or anyone else who wants to share the truth of Bible prophecy while pointing people to an intimate, life-changing relationship with Jesus.
A Preach-It series that comes with everything a presenter needs including:
- Professional, fully illustrated slides
- Sermon manuscripts & notes
- Video instructions on how to best connect with guests
- Instructions on how to conduct the evangelistic series
Price: N/A
Bonus: Other Content
Here are some additional options. Some don’t appear to be available anymore, while others would require some editing to be an effective reaping series.
Revelation of Hope
This series by Mark Finley was published by Present Solutions in 2008. It contains 26 sermons with accompanying SD graphics.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: http://www.adventistevangelism.com/prod_detail_list/29
Unsealing Daniel’s Mysteries
This series by Mark Finley walks through the Book of Daniel one chapter at a time. While it’s not a full-message series, it could be used as the nucleus for creating your own series. Each presentation includes SD graphics.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: http://www.adventistevangelism.com/prod_detail_list/23
New Beginnings – Original
ASI first released this series in 2002. Includes 26 sermons and accompanying SD graphics.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: https://asiministries.org/newbeginnings/
Living with Hope
This Bible-marking series includes 16 presentations with SD graphics. While not written as evangelistic sermons, per se, it does cover the distinctive doctrines.
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE: http://livingwithhopeseminar.com/
What are you doing this fall?
It’s not too late to run a marketing campaign for your event.
Call 800.525.5791 or visit EvangelismMarketing.com/Quote
to connect with one of our Evangelism Marketing experts.