Bible Prophecy Decoded
11″ x 17″ Bi-fold Mailer
Why Direct Mail?
With today’s distractions and noise it is important that we reach out to interests in multiple ways in order to gain their attention and elicit a decision.
Direct Mail is still an effective part of that equation. Our experience shows that approximately 85% of your budget needs to go to Call-to-Action elements. These include online advertising, personal invitation, newspaper ads, and direct mail. Direct mail reaches homes that are not already connected to your church through personal invitation or online, social circles — giving it the power to reach isolated families that are hungry for God’s truth.
When should I use a Bi-fold?
Bi-fold mailers are a great size for guaranteeing that your mailing is seen in the mailbox. Although bi-folds have a higher postage rate with USPS (about 1.5¢ more), they can increase engagement by up to 30%, making them a great choice for churches with promotion budgets over $8,000.