
Pentecost 2025 is a comprehensive movement encompassing all the ministries of Jesus:


Engage through community connections and activities, meeting the needs of our neighbors.


Harvest interests, engage those open to knowing Jesus, and proclaim the everlasting Gospel.


Commit to engaging new members in living as devoted Christ-followers.


Commit to continuing the cycle over and over again to see Kingdom growth!

SermonView offers ministry marketing services and connection resources to help with your ministry's efforts: 


With programs like ReelFaith and our latest release, email nurturing you can capture attention online through social platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. You'll be able to build your ministry's online presence and share encouragement wherever someone is at in their faith journey.


LeadGenerator offers guaranteed leads each month, from people right within your community who want to study the Bible. Plus, our Event Marketing Campaigns offer numerous print and digital methods that work together to help you see more people at your upcoming event.


InterestTracker is the complete online CRM for helping your church manage interests on their way to membership and beyond. The additional connection tools can also help you track weekly or event attendance, build your own custom reports, and schedule SMS messages to leads and members.

The NAD is offering financial support for churches participating in this effort.

The North American Division is committed to helping local churches reach their community for Christ. The goal for Pentecost 2025 is to collaborate with Pastors and lay members to see more than 3,000 initiatives happen across North America in 2025. Your church can qualify for up to $3,000 in financial assistance if you meet the requirements. If you haven't signed up yet, or need to review the requirements for financial assistance, simply go to

How are you planning to reach your community through Pentecost 2025?

We would love to support your ministry.

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