Seventh-day Adventists put a lot of emphasis on Bible truth in our evangelistic efforts.
That’s important, but that’s not everything. If our goal is active membership in a local Seventh-day Adventist Church, then it’s not just about belief. It’s also about relationships.
Something that Seventh-day Adventists often forget is that church is fundamentally a social experience. Yes, there’s theology and biblical knowledge. And yes, there’s a vertical component—a relationship with God himself, the creator of the universe—but if you have those two things, Bible knowledge and a relationship with God, but there’s nobody around you, that is not church. Jesus, Himself said:
“Where two or three are gathered together
in my name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:20 NKJV
Church exists when there are both vertical and horizontal relationships. Church is fundamentally a social experience.
God created humans with the innate need to belong to community and one fundamental reason people come to a church event, whether it is a worship service, or a Bible study, or a community event is because they are seeking to fulfill this fundamental need to belong. We are social creatures. We have this innate need to belong and at its best, church fulfills that need. Church is fundamentally a social experience.
If that’s true, then your evangelism strategy must address this. And that is part of what makes public Evangelistic meetings so powerful. It’s not just an effective way to teach people Bible truth. It’s also a really effective way to build relationships with guests.
It’s both Doctrine and relationship. To be effective in your evangelism you have to address both.
At SermonView, we have a passion for ministry, and we’re nerds for marketing. We believe that church exists for those who are not yet part of it, so our passion is helping churches like yours reach people in your community who are ready to connect with you. We do that by helping you market your evangelistic events, and by finding people in your community ready to study the Bible with you. And we can also help you turn your church website into an evangelism engine.
The SermonView crew would love to help you market your next evangelistic event. Let us know if you have an evangelistic series coming up, call us today at 800-525-5791.